Simon Caleb - Reviewer

�The wonderful horrible life of Simon Caleb� Part 1

Picture it, the year was 1974, the city - Plymouth, the place - my bed.

There I was fresh off the plane from Israel, we�d been in England no more than a week before I�d fallen off the roof of our outside toilet during one of my expeditions, mother terrified I�d seriously damaged my already warped brain, moved my bedding into the living room, so as to keep an eye on me full time.


Well one fateful night I stayed up to watch an episode of the Star Trek tv series, big mistake. As I dosed in & out of consciousness & the end credits began to roll, I witnessed THE most hideous nightmarish sight my little eyes had ever seen. It was a white ghost like alien face staring right at ME from the tv screen, as I howled in terror, mother ran to my rescue, but to no avail, I�d been irreparably damaged. Closing my tired eyes all I could see was that horrific face open mouthed with piercing eyes. Nightmares & disturbed sleep were my best friends for the following year, not until we moved to London, did the fear subside.

1975, London.

Still burnt by my run in with horror & curiously unable to forget or stop talking about the �high� I experienced from the horrific image, mother decided to treat me to the movies.

Wow, little old me being treated (yes we were poor), excitedly I begged her to tell me what it was we were to see, �no, no� she said, �it�s a secret�. Imagine my jaw dropping surprise as what unfolded on the largest screen I�d ever seen (The then single gigantic screen Odeon Marble Arch) was "The Seventh Golden Voyage of Sinbad".

That was it, I was hooked on the fantastic & strange, from then on I wanted to slay all & sundry with my Kali like multi armed swords.

Unable to visit the cinema regularly, I managed to talk my neighbours into saving their old newspapers & started cutting out & collecting the b&w movie ads, boy did I amass a collection of scrap books full of horror & fantasy, the earliest one I remember was the striking ad for "Death Race 2000", which lead to a leaning toward the more horrific & demented.

After my initial taste of Star Trek, It was down hill from then on, far too much talking & not enough horror, �American Nightmares� & �Ronald Dalh�s Tales of the Unexpected� were more to my liking.

And that my friends was the start of my voyage into the darker side of movies!

Simon Caleb

You can contact Simon by clicking here.
